Monatsarchive: Oktober 2020

Varieties of Party Identity and Organization

Varieties of Democracy: Varieties of Party Identity and Organization (V-Party) is a new dataset, produced by the V-Dem Institute, examining the policy positions and organizational structures of political parties across the world. The largest ever study of its kind, the … Weiterlesen

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Varieties of Democracy: Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) produces the largest global dataset on democracy with some 28 million data points for 202 countries from 1789 to 2019. Involving over 3,000 scholars and other country experts, V-Dem measures hundreds of different … Weiterlesen

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Fighting without hyperbole. It is life or death stakes.

Guardian: The Democrats don’t have the numbers to stop the confirmation, but their refusal to leave the floor on the eve of the vote is meant to register the strength of their protest to the Republican decision to ram a supreme court … Weiterlesen

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Philadelphia Weebles

#StrollToThePolls: People Line Dancing While Waiting To Vote! #JoeBiden #AmericaNeedsPennsylvania You are an anthropologist. Not an alien appearing on Earth suddenly transported from Mars, just an anthropologist. You are studying the rituals via which a society chooses its leaders.

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Guardian: We are watching democracy unfold in front of our eyes, despite every effort to stop it. A record number of Americans have voted early, most of them Democrats, in an effort to safeguard their choice and their health. States such … Weiterlesen

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Egal, wer die Wahl gewinnt: Der soziale Niedergang der USA ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten

der Freitag: So yeah, I realize this is der Freitag, just like when I’m reading taz I don’t forget it’s taz, but „Den wenigen Reichen geht es gut, den Armen immer schlechter. An diesem Zustand wird auch der nächste Präsident … Weiterlesen

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Vom Widerständler zum Biden-Unterstützer

Jörg Wimalasena, Die Zeit: Bernie Sanders könnte unter Joe Biden als Präsident der USA Regierungsmitglied werden. Doch dafür müsste er seinen Kampf für sozialen Wandel deutlich abschwächen. Bernie Sanders stand wie kaum ein anderer Kandidat für die Sehnsucht der amerikanischen … Weiterlesen

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Before the deluge

Die Zeit: Der SPD-Gesundheitsexperte Karl Lauterbach hält einen erneuten Lockdown binnen Wochen für wahrscheinlich, sollte eine Eindämmung der Neuinfektionen nicht gelingen. „Wenn es uns in den kommenden zwei bis drei Wochen nicht gelingt, die persönlichen Kontakte zu beschränken, werden die Zahlen in … Weiterlesen

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Waiting to vote in Philly’s long lines wasn’t so bad

Philadelphia Inquirer: Carlton Jackson was prepared to be bored when he showed up to vote Saturday in South Philadelphia. The long line of people waiting to fill out and hand in ballots snaked along two sides of the High School … Weiterlesen

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A while ago I was talking with the Hausmeister here and when he said he was from Silesia I both knew just what he was talking about and also remembered that five years ago I had only the foggiest idea. … Weiterlesen

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BBC: This is the headline of a UK corporate — state, really — media story on addresses by the current President of the United States and the previous President of the United States. This is not the future I was … Weiterlesen

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