Tagesarchive: Oktober 22, 2020


A while ago I was talking with the Hausmeister here and when he said he was from Silesia I both knew just what he was talking about and also remembered that five years ago I had only the foggiest idea. … Weiterlesen

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BBC: This is the headline of a UK corporate — state, really — media story on addresses by the current President of the United States and the previous President of the United States. This is not the future I was … Weiterlesen

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FAZ: Iran und Russland mischen sich nach Angaben des amerikanischen Geheim­dienst­koordinators aktiv in die Präsidentenwahl ein. Sie verbreiteten Falsch­informationen und hätten illegal persönliche Daten registrierter Wähler erbeutet, sagte John Ratcliffe am Mittwochabend bei einer kurzfristig einberufenen Pressekonferenz. Die Daten könnten … Weiterlesen

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I took this photo a year ago at the KZ Außenlager at Falkensee. I still really like it, but this morning view the conceit quite differently. The „see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil“ image postulates a sort … Weiterlesen

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„Das Undenkbare kann hier geschehen“

Spiegel: „Es ist möglich, dass Trump gewinnt“ Woodward appears to be suitably worried here. A doyen of American journalism, Woodward, who has spent decades building a career out of writing exposés of those he panders to, looks grieved. Serious, thinking … Weiterlesen

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