Monatsarchive: November 2014

Evil Post-Axis of Evil

The president [Obama] believed that bin Laden wasn’t just evil, he was charismatically evil. –Mark Bowden, The Finish: The Killing of Osama bin Laden, (New York, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012), 61. Yes. A man who kills 16-year-olds with missiles from … Weiterlesen

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US Respect for Sovereignty

The White House was still considering an Air Force option, a massive air strike using B-2 Spirit bombers to level the house. Defense Secretary Robert Gates supported the air strike because it kept American ground forces out of Pakistan, which … Weiterlesen

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Senate Republicans Gain a Pig Castrater

Republican Joni Ernst – who boasted of her prowess at castrating pigs in a campaign advert – became the first woman elected statewide to represent Iowa and the first female combat veteran elected to the Senate.

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