Tagesarchive: Juni 11, 2023

Requiem for Our Species

Chris Hedges: What do you tell a terminal patient seeking relief? Yes, this period of distress may pass, but it’s not over. It will get worse. There will be more highs and lows and then mostly lows, and then death. … Weiterlesen

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Lichtheim (neither helpless nor frantic) on Marcuse

George Lichtheim: I am not a liberal and never have been. I find liberalism almost as boring as communism and have no wish to be drawn into an argument over which of these two antiquated creeds is less likely to … Weiterlesen

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Marco D’Eramo, New Left Review: The media still denounces Putin’s atrocities and makes obligatory comparisons with the Hitlers and Stalins of the past, yet it does so with the enthusiasm of a bored schoolchild, almost as if le coeur n’y était … Weiterlesen

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Grundrisse: Marx for communists

[T]he entire publication of the Grundrisse took place under what may safely be regarded as the least favourable conditions for any original development of Marx studies and Marxist thinking, namely in the USSR and the German Democratic Republic, at the … Weiterlesen

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